13 Tips to Increase Productivity in the Workplace

13 Tips to Increase Productivity in the Workplace

These days everyone has some experience in the field of technology at some point.

When you sit at your desk and you cannot concentrate on work and want to get benefits of technology because we are victims of the era of technology.

Take your phone and you check social networks, answer some messages and visits your favorite sites.

13 Ways to Improve Your Productivity at the Workplace

Productivity is a long term process, practice a few tips listed below and get your career on a new track.

1. Exercise in the Morning

In this era everyone tends to work for long hours and stays glued to the computer for most of the time. This is an unhealthy life style, so make sure you get some exercise.

This will cause you to be more productive the next day.

2. Make the Tasks Unless you Like First

Occasionally you have many works to do even you do not like to do much. You have to do finish them first.

If you leave then they will remain in your mind and affecting your productivity.

3. Give Power to Your Employees

If you do so, they will feel themselves like a part of the team; the morale and productivity of the company will improve.

4. Waiver of Social Networks

Our culture has a fascination to know what happens in the lives of others. Spend much time to check Twitter and Facebook is nothing more than wastage of time.

5. Finish with Simple Tasks as Soon as Possible

If an email or task is crossed and can finish in five minutes, do it.

6. Leave the office

Try to spend one day a week working outside the office.

We live in a world with cell phones, which makes possible work in different creative spaces so you can do work at your home too.

7. Use Technology and Do Simple Tasks

Probably there an application or tool that can help you better complete tasks in addition will allow you to be more organized while browsing the world of entrepreneurs.

8. Fill the Tummy Tank

You need time to eat and drink plenty of water during the day.

Skipping a meal because you don’t have time is unforgivable thing. If you do not eat and you don’t stay hydrated, you won’t have energy.

9. Disconnect from Technology Sometime

When you really need to do a presentation or deliver an important report, eliminate all distractions.

Turn off your email and direct your office calls to your mailbox.

10. Debug Your Email

Make mails as offers and promotions for parties or gathering you don’t want to go. The less your phone rings (unless it is an important message) you’ll be less distracted.

11. Take One Day a Week locked

I’ve realized that having a day locked each week allows me to finish all pending. For example, designates a day like Wednesday for don’t plan meetings or appointments.

12. Work on Sunday Afternoon

Grab one hour from this day to schedule your next week; it will not only help you be more productive and effective, but it will give you the perfect mindset to start your strong week

13. Systematizes and Automates Everything

Find a way to make some things work on automates and this will free you from having that responsibility so that everything will go better.

Wanted to add any productivity tips, do in the comments!

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